Saturday, May 5, 2012

Chapter 5 - BMI

·        Life = a series of experiences. These experiences determine the nature and quality of our lives.

·        Instruments of experience: body (deha), mind (manas), intellect (buddhi); impressions from past actions, innate tendencies (vasanas) => these belong to the realm of matter (prakriti)
·        Mind = thoughts in a state of flux; intellect = thoughts in a state of decision; vasanas are also known as avidya or ignorance, because they veil the divinity in us
·        The self conditioned by BMI = jiva or the individual ego
·        The Divine Principle or Spirit (purusha) is beyond these matter envelopments; it enlivens matter, which is inert and insentient; in turn, the spirit expresses itself through matter; therefore all life is a marriage of purusha and prakriti
·        The individual ego has to go beyond the conditioning of the BMI and destroy the veil of vasanas, in order to realize the Truth or Supreme Reality, also known as Pure Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (sat-chit-ananda)

·        Vasanas are like tinted goggles through which our view of the world is filtered. They are an unconscious mass of tendencies, inclinations and urges gained from past thoughts and actions
·        3 types of vasanas: social urges to keep up with the times in which we live (loka vasanas); physical urges (deha vasanans); urge to acquire knowledge and gather information (shastra vasanas)
·        Sequence of vasana manifestation: desiring thought in the intellect to gain more happiness => restlessness/ agitation of the mind to fulfill the desire => manifesting at the body level as an action
·        Vasanas create thought channels through which our mind flows, impelling us to act repeatedly, thereby forming habits, which become part of our character. We create our own destiny through our vasana-conditioned thoughts and actions


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