Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chapter 4 - Balance

Key concepts:

·        Life is a series of experiences that result from our contact with the world of objects. These experiences bring us either joy or sorrow.

·        Material scientists have investigated and discovered ways life can be made happier by arranging objects and situations in the outer world. Yet we feel insecure and anxious, and discontented with our lot.

·        This is a result of the imbalance that is created when our control of the outer world exceeds our sway over our own inner nature.

·        The purpose of philosophy and religion is to transform our inner lives, and bring about the equilibrium essential to a fulfilling existence.

·        While material growth raises the standard of living, inner development improves the standard of life. The two aspects have to work in conjunction to sail through life with ease.

·        A high standard of living that is not accompanied by a high standard of life, leads to the downfall of societies.

·        Subjective scientists study the human personality, and turn our attention inward to the divine center within us. Their analysis and observations are aimed at raising the standard of life.

·        A harmonious blend of the sacred and the secular are essential to overall prosperity and well-being.

·        The Dual Path:

o   Spiritual growth requires the practice of intelligent self restraint (as opposed to unintelligent self denial).

o   Suppression results from such self denial, whereas sublimation attunes our mind to the higher values of life, causing the lower tendencies to drop off.

o   We all know what is good or bad for us. However, we often choose the path that is not conducive to our welfare.

o   Vedanta describes two distinct paths in life: the path of the pleasant (preyas), and the path of the good (shreyas).

o   The path of the pleasant entices us, and caters to the demands of the senses; it brings passing joy at first, culminating in sorrow; it leads to the devolution of human personality.

o   The path of the good, led by the subtle intellect, is not very appealing or pleasant at the outset; it eventually results in lasting happiness; it leads to the beautification and evolution of human personality.

·        Actions can be classified based on the results they produce:

o   Those that bring ephemeral joys

o   Those that lead to eternal bliss

·        Individuals who develop inner strength choose the path of shreyas, and emerge as mighty personalities that attain fulfillment, and help transform other lives.

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