Saturday, September 24, 2011

"The Truth shall set you free”: a parable to ponder

As we study Self-Unfoldment, it may be helpful to reflect on the following parable at different points, and try to discover what it illustrates.
A group of ten people once set on a journey together. They arrived at a river, and having crossed over to the opposite bank, decided to camp there for the night. When they woke up in the morning, the leader of the group panicked, after counting only nine people and finding one missing.
Of course, much grief ensued, with everyone distressed about what happened to the tenth person. At this point, another traveler passing by noticed the commotion, and enquired about the cause of their sorrow.
When the leader told them what had happened, the passer-by informed them that there is no reason for their tears, as the tenth person was intact. The band of ten expressed great relief, and they proceeded to ask where this tenth person was to be found.
The passer-by then asked each of them to count the number of people present, and they all counted only nine. The passer-by then declared simply, “you are the tenth person”.

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