Welcome Message

Sri Ganeshaya Namaha

Sri Sarasvatyai Namaha

Sri Gurubhyoh Namaha

Hari Om! Welcome to the Self-Unfoldment Study Group blog. As we embark on our study of fundamental concepts that constitute the ancient wisdom of Vedanta, let us for a moment reflect on the significance of the book’s title.

“Unfoldment”, as we know it, is a process of opening, revealing, becoming known. Within each one of us, Vedanta claims, lies hidden perfection and infinite happiness. The process of self-unfoldment is one of unfurling the layers of our personality to reveal this inner treasure.

When a sculptor envisions the form of a peacock in a block of marble, she has to take a hammer and chisel, and remove everything that is not the peacock. Similarly, discovery of our true nature does not require adding anything; it is a process of removing everything that obscures it.

As a Zen master once said, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. I began this inward journey several years ago, with “Self-Unfoldment” as my first step. It is my honor to be the moderator for this group, with the opportunity to retrace that step. With its easy style and examples from everyday life, the book drives home fundamental Vedantic concepts in a way that aids further progression of spiritual study, as well as personality development to achieve our hidden potential.

With Gurudev as our guide, may our journey lead us to inner freedom and abiding joy.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi