Saturday, January 28, 2012

Swami Vivekananda on Religion

"Religion is the Eternal relationship between the Eternal Soul and Eternal God."

"Religion is that which makes you realize the Unchangeable."

"You cannot believe in God unless you believe in yourself."

"Religion if the manifestation of the Divinity already in man."

"To devote your life to the good of all and to the happiness of all is religion. Whatever you do for your own sake is not religion."

Chapter 3 - Religion

Key concepts:
·        Mankind is destined for greatness – why then are the vast majority of human beings unhappy? Why do they feel inadequate and dissatisfied?
·        Learning the art of living, having the right attitude and approach to life is the key to feeling happy and fulfilled.
·        Each one of us is essentially perfect – there are hidden possibilities and untapped potential for greatness within us. We need to unlock this to achieve happiness and success ourselves, and also use it to better the lives of those around us.
·        Unlocking this potential requires us to transform our character and behavior. Only by looking inward, and depending on our own selves, can we truly achieve success.
·        Our habits (repeated actions) determine our character and eventually our destiny. Choosing our thoughts wisely will lead to good habits that shape our future.
·        Religion is for thinking beings – there is no religion in the animal kingdom, where all life is based on instincts.
·        Through religion, we seek and understand answers to existential questions, and our place in this universe.
·        Religion does not claim to change the condition of the world, or seek to improve our material standard of living. True religion teaches us how to live in this world, and meet the situations we face with equanimity.
·        Material scientists have given us the knowledge and tools to conquer nature and gain control over the outer world. We are still unhappy and unfulfilled within.
·        Subjective scientists (sages) who studied the inner world have given us the knowledge to transform our lives, and soar to heights of happiness and contentment.
·        Through their analysis of the instruments of our experience (the body, mind and intellect), they have given us the tools to unlock our inner potential. This analysis forms the core of the sacred texts of the major religions.
·        True philosophy and science are experiential. Vedanta is based on the entire gamut of human experience, i.e. the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep.
·        Scriptures represent the data gathered from the spiritual scientists’ observations and conclusions, and confirmed by various mystics down the centuries, all over the world.
·        This knowledge that has been handed down to us provides us with the strength and power to transform our lives.